With endless products and TikTok routines online, finding the right skin care can be time-consuming and often disappointing. Additionally, 26% of American adults report that their skincare routines take up about 5 to 6 hours a week. With all of life’s responsibilities, our time is valuable. We need effective and efficient solutions to feel like our best selves every day. The first step is to diagnose any skin conditions accurately. People often assume that any small blemish or bump is acne. However, 40% of Americans are actually struggling with Keratosis Pilaris.
Keratosis Pilaris is a common condition where small bumps develop on the skin, almost imitating bumps on a strawberry. Although keratosis pilaris is most common among babies, children, and teens, many adults still deal with these inconvenient bumps. While the condition is considered harmless, the appearance often takes a toll on adults’ and teens’ self-esteem.
Your clients want to feel comfortable in their own skin. Luckily, there are safe, convenient treatments, including the PowerPeel® Exfoliating Body Bar. Using the same crystals as the PowerPeel Microdermabrasion treatments, the PowerPeel® Exfoliating Body Bar buffs away dry layers of skin, revealing a repaired, refreshed, new look. It has been found to assist and, in some cases, completely treat keratosis pilaris bumps. As an esthetician, your work to boost your client’s confidence does not end at the appointment. More than likely, you want to help them develop a routine –with products they love– that they can easily maintain every day. The PowerPeel® Exfoliating Body Bar will produce long-lasting results for your clients with the ease of using it at home.
“I highly recommend the PowerPeel® Exfoliating Body Bar for anyone struggling with keratosis pilaris or generally dry, textured skin,” said Rachel M, a proud user. “This amazing product has smoothed the bumps on my arms and left my skin looking and feeling softer and smoother than ever before.”
Most people find that skin conditions, including keratosis pilaris, are at their worst in the winter months when there is reduced moisture content in the air. Because of this, summer is often considered a safe haven for people struggling with dry skin. However, this is not always the case. Not as many people understand– or prepare for– the consequences of summer pool days. Keratosis pilaris bumps can be a year-round inconvenience for people who also spend lots of time swimming.
It is important not to let our insecurities drown out our fun. With the PowerPeel® Exfoliating Body Bar, your clients can enjoy all that is in store this summer feeling comfortable and confident. Investing in this product now can lead to routines that will last through summer vacations into winter celebrations for years to come.